I just got my copy and what a great issue it is! As usual it is packed with many talented artists' plushies and dolls. I am not done reading it but I have just been enjoying browsing through it and I will admit I was very happy to see my own dolls featured across 5 pages this time around :)
I also greatly appreciated Amber Demien's "Editor's Letter". I always take pleasure in discovering what topic she chose to write on and this time I was hooked on the first sentence as I feel I can really relate to this issue. Here it is:
"Have any of you ever felt like there is a general misconception regarding the world of stuffed dolls?"
I found myself saying out loud: "Yep, spot on! I feel often misunderstood as a plush maker..." (Ok I may not have said it in such a politically correct way!).
But now (even if I know you will run to get your own copy soon ;) I feel compelled to give you the whole first two paragraphs so you can understand what I'm talking about.
"Have any of you ever felt like there is a general misconception regarding the world of stuffed dolls? It seems as though many people view plush art as mere toys; or, they admire and appreciate the dolls, but regard them as pure fun, no substance. What these people are missing is that, like all art, stuffed creations have meaning, oftentimes a message, and always a purpose.
First of all, there is nothing simple about a toy. Toys bring happiness to children, nurture their imaginations, and teach them the fundamental of life - not mere feats by any measure. For the stuffed creations not meant to be played with but instead displayed, they serve as a source of enjoyment, they provoke thought and inquiry, they inspire, they communicate and they can even unsettle, disturb, and frighten - all reactions that only a true piece of art can arouse. So, my hat's off to every artist whose work graces the pages of this magazine, and to all of you who bring fabric and stuffing to life - you keep me constantly amazed and impressed and inspired."[...]
Amber Demien
As a plush artist I find it very nice to have this issue brought up to light as it is a sensitive one... No one likes to have its creations looked down upon and regarded as frivolous and useless when it was all created out of love and passion.
It's always nice to know that someone understands what we are doing as plush artists, and to be given such a great homage is truly heart warming so for that, Amber, I thank you!
.... Do you feel teary already?
Ok then, enough with the grand sentiments and on to a few pictures!
The Amazing French Hercules
The Bearded Lady Madame Clofullia - "La Goulue" the French Cancan dancer
Cristal Bazoom, The Vegas Showgirl
If you wish to see more detail pictures of these dolls, you can go to my flickr page and see my portfolio.
Thanks to all of you out there for supporting crafters/artists like me and for making the world a better place one handmade plush at a time :)
Anne-Claire aka Hibou