Friday, February 1, 2013

Stuffed Magazine Winter 2013 - Vol 6 Issue 1

I recently received my copy of Stuffed Magazine's new issue the other day
(Winter 2013, Vol 6 Issue 1) !
I was psyched to not only discover my article but also to see all the amazing plush goodness that was put together for this issue.
I have read it cover to cover now and I can't recommend it enough so go ahead and get your copy, you're in for a treat :)

In this issue you will discover my "Marcel The Sardine Fisherman" with his boat, pet plushoctopus and fishing net. You will also meet "Le Petit Crocodile Tranquille" as well as the infamous "Mr. Pendleton the Pirate Parrot"... with his deserted island!
I will be posting more pictures of these pieces on my Flickr page soon and they will be listed for sale in my shop as soon as they get back from California which is where Stuffed magazine's offices are.

I hope you will enjoy the read!